Monday, January 15, 2007

WE did it! The kids and I made out into the city together! Hooray! We just stayed in the neighborhood but still got around while Gabe was at his first day of work.... We got a late morning start as the kids are still a bit jet lagged, and woke up in the middle of the night.... and then slept until 10. We walked to the Natural History Museum, which turned out to be a lot of fun! I chose it because a) it is close and b) it is free, so if a melt down occured, we could leave without the admission guilt. After there Mary-Mae wanted to go the Diana Park again, so off we went (note: George was STILL walking, I was very impressed with his effort....he's not much of a mover.) We entered Kensington Gardens on the other end then we did the other day, so we saw new things. We walked past the Albert Memorial, and Mary-Mae said "Look! A Jesus Castle."
Once at the playground, George then proceeded to climb up a certain part of the pirate ship where he got scared and refused to come down for 20 minutes... woohoo.. that was awesome!

Oh, cutest thing in the world? British school children! Holy Moly.. I saw what I guess was a preschool.. they looked to be about 3, and even their coats are part of the uniform... the girls had on long green wool coats, and the boys grey duffle... too cute!

By the time we were done at the park, Gabe was on his way home from work, and stopped by to meet us. He took Mary-Mae and George on a tube ride home, and Phoebe and I had a leisurely relaxing walk home. Heaven!

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