Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter to everyone!! We ended up having a great weekend, after cancelling plans to get get out of town at the very last minute we still managed to have a great time....
Friday and tomorrow Monday are both holidays here ibn London so we have had lots of time to do things!!! On Friday we decided that morning to take a day trip to Leeds Castle. It was an hour train ride, and then a 5 minute bus to the Castle. As the bus was pulling up we saw that the queue was maybe about 1 hour wait... I wanted to throw up.. because it was a Holiday and they had lots of Easter things going on.. it was packed. BUT, being ever so lucky, because we bought the "all in one" ticket, train, bus, castle, we were able to skip the queue and enter in the group sales entry! Hallelujah.
Once inside they had a scavenger hunt for dinosaur eggs, which the kids were all over.. that ended at the big maze, which Gabe took Mary-Mae and George in, and Phobe and I hung out on one of the many lawns packed with famalies. After that we got some lunch headed to find a great spot for a picnic. We ended up in a beautiful field of daffodils, across the moat from the Castle... it was so beautiful, and peaceful. Even though there were so many people there, it was increadibly quiet and serene. So relaxing!!! After a very long lunch and just laying in the grass Gabe took Phoebe and George to the aviary to look at all the birds.. and Mary-Mae and I toured the castle. The Castle was SO amazing, I just loved it, and so did Mary-Mae!! Walking around you could just imagine... what it was like oh so many years ago, to be there.... the views from the castke windows were breathtaking, and the weather was absolutley georgeous.

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