Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I adore London, I love being over here and having this incredible opportunity! I love living in this fabulous neighborhood, and being able to walk to all these fabulous places. I love living in a hotel, and feeling like I get to start everyday fresh. Fresh towels, fresh sheets, yesterdays garbage gone. It is like a new day, everyday, a fresh beginning. I love it all.... yet today I was hit with the biggest most sudden pang of homesickness. The kind that makes you feel like you have a hole in your gut. The feeling like, you are floating in some sort or never never land, and there is nothing to tether you down and connect you... no schedule, no commitments, no home, and worst of all.. no friends and family!
My parents and sister and niece were here and we had such a wonderful time, and then they left yesterday, and then my dear friend Sally called today, and just the glimpse of my family and friend and such a short span, left me wanting more!!!!
boo hoo boo hoo...

ok,that's enough feeling sorry for myself...

Some great highlights of my family being here were... riding the London Eye, boat ride up the Thames, lots of great walks around the city...

The kids and I went to the Natural History Museum and saw this great talk on .the Chinese New Year and learned about the Chinese Zodiac, Gabe and I are both Rats, MM is snake, George is Horse and Miss Phoebe is a Dog.. totally fun!


Dara Lockert said...

Hi Abby. So sorry to hear you are homesick today! The kids and I have walked past your house a few times this week (its midwinter break and we're stircrazy). Your house looks great. Randy mowed this week, but it looks lonely! maybe missing the chaos...Dani and Tristan both say how much they miss your kids when we go by.
Missing you too..

Judith Knowles said...

Hi makes total sense that you are homesick when your family departs...maybe a little homesick feeling is good--cuz it'll make you RETURN to us! :) By the way, shall we call Mary Mae ELOISE when she returns?? If you don't own one of her books--be sure to go to the library and read up on Eloise. Yes, you are blessed indeed to have TONS of engaging activities surrounding Dara mentioned, Winterbreak in Seattle is pretty HO-HUM! How many times can you do the zoo & aquarium in Seattle? And in our weather, that boils down to many trips to the smelly aquarium...yeah, you enjoy those magical parks, beautiful walks, museums, ice skating parks...cuz the zoo and aquarium will always be here for you! Here's to LONDON!!! :)

Fit to Be a Princess said...

Thank you for reading and all you post!! It is so good to hear from people!! It also feels good to know that the house is still standing, and exists...
we miss everyone!

Fit to Be a Princess said...

I love hearing from you!!! Keep reading! I love that you are, and posting!!!! Thanks for the pep talk and positive attitude!!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Abby,

My mom told me about your blog - glad to hear all is well with you, Gabe and the kids and your adventures overseas. John and I are settling here in LA. Keep posting your activities and pictures.

Your cousin,

Fit to Be a Princess said...

Glad you are reading!!! Right now my digital camera is broken... I am trying to break every piece of electronics I have :).. first my computer now my camera.. as soon as I get a new one, I will post more pics..
Hope LA is treating you well... have you seen Britney Spears wandering around bald???

Unknown said...

Hey Abby - Did you break the camera or did one of your "helpers"? I actually mentioned that I was going to go trolling through West Hollywood (WeHo) to see if i could spot bald Brit Brit, but no one wanted to join me. "Idols" move into our apt building in mid-March, so keep you posted on who looks good/bad on and off camera! We saw Jason Lee (aka My Name is Earl) buying a dirt bike for his 3 year old son two weeks ago when John bought a motorcycle. Mustache and hair are def. real.