Friday, May 04, 2007

OK, so one of the funniest, oddest things ever. The local drugstore here is called Boots the Chemist, (sidenote.. it is coming soon to a Target near YOU), has this product by the name of No.7. So last month there was an "independent" study that claimed their Protect & Perfect Cream REALLY did make the wrinkles go away!!! So they sold out as soon as the study hit the papers, and TODAY was the day that it would be restocked!! There were stories of women calling their local Boots and begging for the cream, pleading that their son's wedding was in just 4 weeks!! So, you can imagine the excitement that thousands of new bottles were finally HERE!!!!

So I pick up my little night time freebie paper on my way home this evening, and there is an article about all the people queuing up to get it at 5am this morning... THEY ALL HAVE SCARVES and such HIDING their face because they are TOO embarrassed for people to know they are buying it...

Is this ODD? I don't think we are nearly this shy in the US... are we???

Let me know what you think............

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's hysterical. No, I think here we would be showing up without scarves....we'd even be make up free with possibly a baseball cap bc we rolled of bed. Sounds like some good stuff though. I thought maybe you were going to say they were all hiding behind scarves bc the cream had created some sort of horrid rash.