Friday, May 25, 2007

OH, the way we are

Life is good, really good.  Home has never felt better, friends have never meant more, the kids have never been cuter, and the wine has never tasted sweeter.  We have all enjoyed settling back into our lives.  Nestling ourselves into the routine that once seem to drag and at times boring.  But now it is novel again, new light shines on it, and it feels so good.  After dinner tonight we walked down to Baskin Robbins for ice cream.  As we walked home, all ducking to avoid being hit by the random tree branches that stretch over the walk way of the sidewalk, and avoiding the uneven sidewalk that is distorted from the massive tree roots that are underneath it is unmistakable...
"Toto, we aren't in London anymore."
The greenish relaxed scenery of Seattle is a lovely frame to our lives.
It feels normal yet energized.  

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